Health, Safety, Security and Environment


Machine Safety and 43-Equipment Inspection Checklists

The use of machines, in particular, those with moving parts, expose workers to risks of bodily injuries. The following are some common machine hazards and risks: So the Article below is a guideline for the requirement of machine safety and…

Scaffold Safety self Audit and checklist

The purpose of this Scaffold checklist is two-fold: 1) to answer questions to help employers and employees understand the requirements to protect employees who use scaffolds, and 2) to provide employers with a self-audit tool to ensure their company complies…

Hot Work Controls and its Permit to work Form

Hot work operations such as welding, cutting, soldering, and any activities that involve using open flames or excessive heat can cause multiple health and safety hazards. These activities also carry the threat of industrial fires that could be disastrous for…

Safety Observation Report Template

A safety observation report (sometimes known as a “safety card”) collects information about the safety of working conditions observed by workers on site (For example, say you’re observing employees working at heights. You notice three employees forgot to test-check their…

Forklift Operator’s Daily Checklist and safety Tips

The forklift is one of the most commonly used pieces of equipment on the worksite. These powered industrial trucks are used to lift and transport loads with deft and precision. Although forklifts are powerful, there is risk involved in operating…

Inspecting Fall Protection Equipment Forms

Suppose you’re in the lifting or rigging industry, construction, or any type of general industry where your employees are working at height. In that case, you’re required to have fall protection equipment forms for inspection and working heights of as little…

Templates: HSE Incentives and rewards

Why are incentives and rewards important? Incentives and rewards for employees and workers are just one of the ways in which you can encourage good health and safety on site. Incentives and rewards can be useful to: encourage people to…

35 Inspection forms for Rig Check

Rig Check was developed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) in partnership with safety experts from the oil and gas extraction industry. It is made up of 35 inspection forms. The forms are designed to be…

Chemical Risk Assessment form

A chemical risk assessment involves the identification of chemical hazards in the workplace and recommends controls to reduce exposure and minimize harm to workers. It assesses the transport, storage, and handling of hazardous substances so pre-emptive action can be taken…

22-Safety Inspection Checklists

SELF-INSPECTION. The most widely accepted way to identify hazards in the workplace is to conduct safety and health self-inspections. You can only be certain that actual situations exist in the workplace if you check them from time to time. Begin a…

Safety Task Assessment Form

The Safety task assessment ( STA) and Pre-Task Hazard Assessment ( PTHA) Is an efficient tool, which if utilized Correctly, will Identify the Hazards, and allow the team to communicate those measures to affected employees. This will effectively reduce or…

Suspended Scaffold Pre-Operation Inspection Checklist

Working at height is always dangerous which makes it extremely important to provide a safe way for workers to access their job location. Using scaffolds to access hard-to-reach areas is often necessary for many construction activities. For especially difficult areas…

Grating-Decking-Floor- handrail-Removal Form

The removal of flooring or decking on elevated structures during construction works have a high potential of falling to workers and consequently, Death or undesired injuries, ( Read: crewman-fell-to-his-death-through-faulty-grating/ )and the most such incident of falling occurs due to the…

Electrical Inspection Checklists

The forms today contain 77 electrical inspection checklists taken from the 2014 Electrical Inspection Manual with Checklists. The checklists are in PDF format and can be completed electronically or printed and used as hard copies.The checklists are intended to help…

E-Books: Fire Safety Logbook templates

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRFSO), which extends to non-domestic premises and the communal areas of houses in multiple occupations (HMOs) in England and Wales, charges the “responsible person” with the safety of everyone on the premises at…

General Safety Guidelines and Employee Acknowledgment form

The main goal of safety and health programs is to prevent workplace injuries, illnesses, and deaths, as well as the suffering and financial hardship these events can cause for workers, their families, and employers. The recommended practices use a proactive…

Lifting Plan Audit Checklist

We understand that the successful control of lifting operations and safe use of lift equipment requires a high level of management commitment, professional competence, and adequate resources. Fundamental to the success of any Lifting Operation is the fact that it…

Electrical Isolation Permit to Work forms and checklist

Electrical Isolation means the disconnecting of the electrical supply to electrical installation, appliance, machinery, plant or equipment for safety prospective. Such type of isolation is conducted by particular operating devices that have been given within the electrical installation for isolation…

Canteen Inspection Checklist

Corporate cafeterias and canteens are either run by the Corporate or are outsourced to a Food Business Operator (FBO). Since the food is prepared and cooked in bulk, extra caution is required to keep the food safe from contamination because…

Work at Height Checklist

Working at height remains one of the biggest causes of fatalities and major injuries. Common cases include falls from ladders and through fragile surfaces. ‘Work at height’ means work in any place where, if there were no precautions in place,…

Health Safety at Work Improvement Action Plan

Organizations desire to continuously upgrade their health and safety improvement. Improvement in health and safety at work performance needs a planned, disciplined, and managed approach. This is promoted from an effective and structured health and safety improvement plan.  The creation…

Fire Pump Daily Inspection Checklist

Your fire pump is the Heart of your fire protection System A booster Pump Reinforces the public water supply when the public water main cannot provide the volume or pressure needed to supply an automatic sprinkler system. A fire pump…

Job Hazard Analysis form

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]The Job Hazard Analysis form helps you identify the hazards of a specific task. After the hazards are listed, one can identify controls to mitigate risk. A Job Hazard Analysis helps identify required trainings and personal protective equipment needed to stay safe…

Incident Report Form

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]It is important to develop a strong culture of incident reporting, no matter how minor, as all reported incidents should be used as valuable lessons in how to prevent a recurrence.An investigation should concentrate on identifying what actions or…