

Health, Safety, Security and Environment

E-Books: IOSH A Healthy Return

4 min read

IOSH A Healthy Return Good practice guide to rehabilitating people at work. The aim of this guide is to give occupational safety and health practitioners a grounding in rehabilitation and to provide them with practical support. Others, including managers and human resources personnel, will also find it useful. The guide contains:

  • an overview of rehabilitation
  • a ‘Work adjustment assessment’ to help assess employees with impairments or medical conditions
  • case studies that demonstrate rehabilitation in practice
  • sources of further information, reading, and training.

Being in work has considerable benefits, not just for individuals but also for their families and for the communities in which they live. We know that being in work is generally good for people’s health and wellbeing and that being out of work leads to poorer health and increases health inequalities. Helping people to remain in or quickly return to work when health conditions arise is therefore important. With changing demographics, it is not just important for individuals, but essential if we are to create a sustainable workforce for the dynamic economy that supports an increasingly aging population. Employers can help employees in a number of ways: protect their health and wellbeing and make sure that the huge progress made in reducing work-related illness and injury continues; wherever possible, help they remain in work when health conditions arise by providing support and making reasonable adjustments; help those who have been absent to return to appropriate work that they can perform without risk, and to use the workplace as an opportunity to help improve employees’ general health and wellbeing.

IOSH A Healthy Return Books cover

This requires a coordinated approach, with the focus on producing the best outcome for the individual. Employers, occupational health, and other healthcare professionals, trade unions, HR professionals, line managers, and occupational safety and health practitioners must all work together, combining their respective skills and experience to create a powerful multidisciplinary team. Within such a team, the occupational safety and health practitioner has the opportunity to use the knowledge and experience they have gained in their traditional role to help make sure that reasonable adjustments are identified which are both appropriate and without risk; to support and ensure the implementation of such adjustments, and to monitor their ongoing impact and effectiveness. This guide not only helps to identify the opportunities for occupational safety and health practitioners to contribute to the broader health and work agenda but is also a valuable source of advice and guidance for all those involved in this area. IOSH is to be congratulated on its initiative, which is an excellent example of taking definitive action to bring about change and help make a difference in the lives of working-age people.


The Contents of IOSH A Healthy Return

  • Building safely by design
  • building sound foundations
  • Business risk management
  • Understanding the role of supply chains in influencing health and safety at work
  • Safety culture, advice, and performance
  • consultancy – good practice guide
  • OSH personnel and safety performance in construction
  • Global best practices in contractor safety
  • The health, safety, and health promotion needs of older workers
  • Reliable industrial measurement of body temperature
  • IOSH Certificated courses
  • Teaching health and safety in undergraduate engineering courses
  • IOSH Managing Safely training course

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