E-Books: Handbook of Hazardous Chemical Properties
6 min readHandbook of Hazardous Chemical Properties by Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff. This volume has been prepared as a reference source on the hazardous properties of industrial and consumer chemicals. It is designed to assist chemical handling specialists, emergency responders, and health and safety engineers, and technicians in the safe handling and shipping practices of chemicals. The reader should first review the Glossary of Terms section immediately preceding the first chemical entry to use the volume effectively. This section contains precise definitions used for certain parameters where data have been obtained for each chemical. This volume will provide safe-handling information and data on more than 1000 chemicals of commercial and industrial importance
To use the volume effectively, the reader should first review the Glossary of Terms section immediately preceding the first chemical entry. This section contains precise definitions used for certain parameters where data have been obtained for each chemical. A review of these terms will help the reader interpret certain information. In addition, a list of abbreviations used throughout the volume is also provided in the front section of the handbook.
Chemical information is compiled in this volume in accordance with an alphabetical listing based on the most used chemical name. The most common chemical name designation is based either on (1) that designation specified in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Titles 46 and 49, or (2) a common name for those chemicals known to be hazardous during shipment. As such, for most common names, the shipping name recommended by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is used as it appears in Title 49 of the CFRs. For each chemical entry, there are five data or information fields that are provided. These information fields are as follows:
Chemical Designation – A list of common synonyms is given. Synonym names are alternative systematic chemical names and commonly used trivial names for chemicals. An index of synonyms is provided at the end of the handbook to assist the reader in identifying a particular chemical and researching chemical hazards information in the event that the common name of the chemical is not known. The data field also contains the chemical formula. The chemical formula is limited to a commonly used one-line formula.
In the case of some organic chemical compounds, it has not been possible to represent the chemical structure within such limitations.
Observable Characteristics – This includes the physical state of the chemical under normal conditions of handling and shipping, its characteristic color, and its odor. Typical designations for the physical state of a chemical include liquefied gas, liquefied compressed gas, liquid, and solid. Where a compound may be shipped or handled as either a liquid or solid, both designations are given. The color description provided is for pure liquid. The reader should recognize that occasionally the color of chemical changes when it dissolves in water or becomes a gas. Similarly, the odor description is that for pure material. The term “characteristic” is used in those cases when no other reasonable description of the chemical’s odor could be found.
Physical and Chemical Properties – Information provided for each chemical include the material’s physical state, its molecular weight, boiling point, freezing point, critical properties (temperature and pressure), specific gravity, vapor (gas) density, the ratio of specific heats of vapor, and various thermodynamic properties. The following are more detailed explanations of the information field entries. The Physical State at 15 “C and I atm is provided, which indicates whether the chemical is a solid, liquid, or gas after it has reached equilibrium with its surroundings at “ordinary” conditions of temperature and pressure. The Molecular Weight is the weight of a molecule of the chemical relative to a value of 12 for one atom of carbon. The molecular weight is useful in converting from molecular units to weight units, and in calculating the pressure, volume, and temperature relationships of gaseous substances. The Boiling Point at 1 atm, the Freezing Point, and the Critical Temperature data are each given in three sets of units as follows: O F, “C, “K. As an example – for the chemical ACETALDEHYDE, the boiling point at 1 ann is 68.7 OF, 20.4 “C, and 293.6 “K. Entries for Critical Pressure is given in three sets of units: psia, atm, MN/m2. As an example – for acetaldehyde, the critical pressure data in three units are 820 psia, 56 atm, and 5.7 MN/m2The entries for Specpc Gravity are typically based on 4 “C unless otherwise specified, and the entry for Vqor (Gas) Densify is described in the Glossary of Terms section. Thermodynamic properties include the Ratio of Specific Heats of Vapor (Gas), The Latent Heat of Vaporiultion, Heat of Combustion, and Heat of Decomposition.
These data are given in the following three sets of units: Btu/lb, cal/g, Jlkg. As an example – for acetaldehyde, the latent heat of vaporization is 245 Btu/lb, 136 cal/g, and 5.69 x 105 J/kg.
The content of Handbook of Hazardous Chemical Properties
- Chemical Designation
- Hazardous Chemical Properties Entries
- Observable Characteristics
- Physical and Chemical Properties
- Health Hazards Information
- Fire Hazards
- Chemical Hazards
- Chemical Reactivity
- Health and safety
- Glossary of Terms
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Handbook of Hazardous Chemical Properties
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