E-Books: Book of Questions and Answers Safety Health
4 min readThe National Irish Safety Organisation (NISO) has produced this book of over 1,400 questions and answers to help persons and organizations develop their acumen in health and safety.
NISO recognized that no amount of legislation or penalties will be
effective unless people can be convinced of the need to change their the behaviour to become safety conscious in order to avoid hazards and risks in the workplace. This can only be done through information and training.
NISO has always been convinced that safety and health quizzes have an important role to play along with other forms of training. It is with this in mind that this book was produced to give persons a better understanding of safety and health issues. To aid the reader, the questions and answers have been divided into 31 sections.
This book will prove useful to persons and organizations who may wish to have in-house safety and health quizzes or for those preparing for the NISO Safety and Health Quiz. (Details available from NISO). The book can also be used for reference purposes.
- Q. What is an Accident?
A. It is an unplanned happening. - Q. What is an ‘incident’?
A. An incident is an unplanned event with the potential to lead to an accident. - Q. What is a ‘hazard’?
A. A hazard is anything with the potential to cause harm.

- Q. Why remove your gloves before you remove your goggles?
A. To prevent contamination of the face or eyes by a substance or substances
that are on your gloves. - Q. Is running a suitable pace for a factory or workshop?
A. No. – You should always walk. - Q. Give two reasons for not piling a trolley high with goods?
A. 1. Obscures Vision - Unstable.
- May cause back strain.
- Q. Should accident prevention be left to the Safety Manager as the
a representative of management, and the supervisory staff in a place of work?
A. No – It is the responsibility of all concerned in the workplace. - Q. Has a Safety Officer or Safety Manager a responsibility to see that Safety
measures are complied with?
A. Yes – As an agent of management with delegated responsibility. - Q. Give two reasons why all accidents should be reported immediately?
A. 1. So that an investigation to determine the cause may be instituted. - So that injuries may be attended to.
- Q. What two main precautions must be taken when using a safety belt?
A. 1. It should be fastened to a secure point. - The free-fall should be kept to a minimum.

The Main Section of the Safety Question Answer Book: e Contents of Provide clear guidance on staff training in basic and specialist fire safety:
- Introduction
- Accidents
- Agriculture
- Chemicals
- Cleanliness/Hygiene
- Compressed Air & Gases
- Construction
- Electrical
- Employment
- Ergonomics and Human Factors
- Fire/Emergency Planning
- First Aid
- Flammable Liquids
- Good Housekeeping
- Health
- Hoists
- Industrial Diseases
- Ladders
- Legal/Legislation
- Lifts, & Lifting Tackle
- Manual Handling
- Mechanical Hazards
- Noise/Vibration
- Occupational Health
- Office Safety
- Protective Clothing
- Rules of the Road
- Safe Access
- Safety and Risk Management
- Safety at Sea
- Safety on Machines
- Temperature and Heating
- Tools
- Transport
- Ventilation
- Woodworking
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