

Health, Safety, Security and Environment

E-Books:Warehousing and storage

2 min read

This guidance is the second edition of a book that was first published in 1992. It is for people who have management, supervisory or other health and safety interests in warehouses and storage facilities. It will also be of value to employees and their health and safety representatives.
It is intended as an aid to health and safety management, to help reduce the numbers of injuries and cases of occupational ill health.
Although most of the information in this book will apply to processes in a range of premises, some warehouses may find parts less relevant to their business (eg temperature-controlled storage), whereas specialist warehouses may find they will require additional sources of information (eg on storage of dangerous substances). However, most of the chapters will be relevant to warehouses and storage facilities of all sizes. References, further reading and useful websites are listed at the back of this book.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has written this second edition in liaison with the Warehousing Health and Safety Forum. The Forum is a joint committee with representation from trade associations, trade unions and employer organisations.

Warehousing and storage cover a wide range of activities that can result in various hazards and risks. Effective health and safety management involves you, the employer, looking at the risks that arise in the workplace and then putting sensible health and safety measures in place to control them. By doing this you can protect your most valuable asset, your employees, as well as members of the public from harm. You will also help protect your premises, goods, equipment and reputation.
Accidents, injuries and ill health are reported to the health and safety enforcing authorities under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR).

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Table of Content

Introduction 1
General health, safety and welfare 3
Health and safety management 5
Managing the workforce 7
Occupational health 10
Environment and welfare 17
Slips and trips 24
Electrical safety 28
Accidents and emergencies 33
Materials handling 37
Manual handling 39
Mechanical handling 44
Vehicles in and around the warehouse 57
Work at height 66
Storage 71
Storage systems 73
Automated storage and retrieval systems 85
Temperature-controlled storage 90
Storage of packaged dangerous substances 97
Appendix 1 Warehousing Health and Safety Forum membership 107
Appendix 2 Transport hazard diamonds 107
Appendix 3 Common types of truck 108
References 109
Further reading 112
Index 115
Further information 122

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