

Health, Safety, Security and Environment

E-Books: Fire Risk and safety law and its practical application

4 min read

Fire Risk and safety law and its practical application by Allan Grice. This book is for those who have any responsibility in connection with carrying out risk assessments and fire safety management audits such as fire officers, building control officers, environmental health inspectors, police, and forensic officers. Finally, it could be of interest to those studying such subjects as fire and safety law. Book Provide clear guidance on staff training in basic and specialist fire safety. This book gives the responsible person the background to the key elements involved in achieving reasonable standards of fire safety relative to the hazards existing and bolsters this with practical pointers drawn from heavy field experience.
Time is money within business, which is why fire safety specialists and advisors are often appointed to assist. However, no matter how many specialists are taken on, the responsibility for ultimate safety rests with the responsible person unconditionally. Those employers and owners who choose to self-comply without external assistance
will do well to absorb all chapters before carrying out the Fire Risk Assessment, during which they can refer back to the specialist sections for advice. Those who do appoint external specialists are able to use the book as they see fit, either as a solid foundation of knowledge which will help in their appreciation of what the
specialist will need to do or as a ready reference and guide when involved in discussions on fire safety, including the selection of competent assistance from outside the organization.

Within the smaller, lower risk premises, an employer may not do much more than read the chapter on carrying out the Fire Risk Assessment, plus whatever specialist section pages are needed to better ensure compliance with the Order.
Whatever route is chosen, the advice in this book will, if implemented and maintained over time, be instrumental in helping to achieve reasonably practicable levels of fire safety for all who resort to the premises embraced by the FS Order 2005.

Fire Risk and safety law and its practical application

The concept of adequate fire safety and our expectations of it
Fire laws to protect the safety of persons within non-domestic premises in the United Kingdom have not come into being by chance.
They have, in the main, arisen as a result of the public and parliamentary clamor that has followed multiple life-loss fires in places to which the public can resort. Although the majority of fire fatalities and fire casualties occur within domestic properties, we must remember that fire deaths and casualties within non-domestic premises would have been much higher within these shores if the local authority fire services had not diligently enforced the fire laws in such places over many years.
It is right and proper that all UK fire authorities strive to reduce and eventually eliminate fire casualties within the home and, indeed, since 2004, local authority fire and rescue services (FRS) have a statutory legal obligation to ensure community safety.


The Contents of Provide clear guidance on staff training in basic and specialist fire safety:

  • The reasons for adequate fire safety measures in non-domestic premises
  • A potted history of significant life-loss fires in the UK
  • The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order
  • Fire Risk Assessment
  • General fire precautions and fire safety provisions
  • Firefighting measures
  • Means of escape (MOE): a clarification of basic principles
  • Fire separation and compartmentation
  • Staff training and instruction
  • Enforcement of the Fire Safety Order 2005
  • Liaison with the fire and rescue service
  • Fire safety law enforcement – a fire and rescue service perspective

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