

Health, Safety, Security and Environment

E-Books:Involving your workforce in health and safety

2 min read

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Guidance for all workplaces

This guide is mainly aimed at medium to large employers. It will help them in their legal duty to consult and involve their employees on health and safety matters. Small businesses may find the guidance helpful, particularly the case studies. Employees, their health and safety representatives and trade unions may also find the guide useful. The guide concentrates on examples of how to comply with the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977 (as amended), and the Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996 (as amended). A complementary guide, containing both sets of regulations, and a leaflet are also available. The guide is designed to clearly distinguish different types of information so you can find the parts that are relevant for you. References to the regulations are colour-coded.

Table of content :

Foreword 4

How to use this guide 5

Overview 6

Introduction 7

Get started: Prepare 8

Why talk to your employees about health and safety?

8 What does the law say? 9

How do you gain commitment to involving your workforce? 15

Get organised: Plan 18 What affects how you involve your workforce? 18

What should you be consulting your workforce about? 19

When should you consult? 22 Training arrangements for health and safety representatives 23

Checklist for planning workforce involvement and consultation 24 Get it done: Consult and involve 25

What are your duties when consulting health and safety representatives? 25

What are the best ways to involve your employees? 27

Investigation and inspection 30

Health and safety committees: Setting them up and making them work 32

Get it right: Keep improving 39

Monitor performance 39

Review progress 40

Review checklist 40

When things become challenging 42

References and further reading 43

Further information 44[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

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