E-Books:Managing contractors
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Managing contractors
A guide for employers
Managing contractors has been written as a guide for small to medium-sized companies in the chemical industry, but it will also be of use to other industries and larger companies.
Safe working with contractors presents a challenge, but being a smaller company has its advantages. You can be more flexible in your approach and decisions can be made more quickly. Lines of communication are shorter, usually there are not too many people involved and it is easier to know who is around.
In this guidance we aim to help you understand what you need to do and give sound practical advice for action. Working together helps everyone to work safely.
This second edition brings guidance and references up to date.
Foreword 4
Introduction 5
Section 1 Why manage contractors? 6
Section 2 The law and you 11
Section 3 Your action plan 17
Section 4 Five practical steps for safe working 22
Step 1 Planning 23
Step 2 Choosing a contractor 31
Step 3 Contractors working on site 35
Step 4 Keeping a check 38
Step 5 Reviewing the work 40
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