

Health, Safety, Security and Environment

Photo of the day: HSE Bulletin Board

9 min read

To protect workers’ rights, and their health and safety in the workplace, employers are required by law to post certain documents. The Health and Safety Bulletin Board is an ideal location for posting these documents. An auditor may check the Health and Safety Bulletin Board in your workplace to make sure that the employer has posted the required documents.

In Photo of the day, you will be familiar with the HSE Bulletin board and its contents with examples of a list of documents that you should be able to find on the Health and Safety Bulletin Board in your workplace. also you will be familiar with differences between Safety Alerts and safety notice followed with Editable Powerpoint template of Bulleting board you can download it and install at your workplace.

Bulletin board

Firstly we have to know What are safety alerts and notices as follows:

About safety alerts

Aim of bulletin: Safety alerts are for major faults that would result in a serious or fatal injury and where immediate remedial action is required.

Safety alerts are issued when there is a specific safety issue that without immediate action being taken could result in a serious or fatal injury. When dangerous equipment, processes, procedures or substances are identified during or after an investigation or as the result of a notification from Europe or industry, HSE may need to notify users and other stakeholders of the danger. HSE may also need to notify other users of the steps that need to be taken to rectify the fault or protect people against it; a safety alert is one way of achieving this.

About safety notices

Aim of bulletin: A safety notice is usually issued to facilitate a change in procedure or it requires an action to be undertaken to improve the level of protection or instruction in a potentially dangerous situation. It must be acted upon within a reasonable time if a time period is not stated. It is not as immediate as a safety alert.

Safety notices are issued where, under certain circumstances, an unsafe situation could arise. For example, where instructions or labeling for use are not clear, additional guarding may be required, operating parameters or procedures need to be changed, and this could, in some cases, lead to an injury. Action should be taken although it may not need to be immediate.

When potentially dangerous equipment, process, procedures, or substances have been identified and depending on the probability of the incident reoccurring and the possible severity of the injuries, HSE may want to inform all users and other stakeholders of the situation and the steps that should be taken to rectify the fault via a safety notice. Safety notices will be issued after consultation with stakeholders and may result in industry-led notices being issued at the same time.

Health and Safety Bulletin Board Content :

HSE bulleting board shall contain the following as an example with no limitation :


Health & Safety at Work: Prevention Starts Here
Employers must display this poster in their workplaces. It outlines the rights and responsibilities of workers, supervisors, and employers on the job and provides contact information for the legal Authorities.  Download the poster here.


Occupational Health and Safety Act

Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), employers must display a copy of the Occupational Health and Safety Act in their workplaces. Since a number of OHSA Regulations also apply in our workplaces, the best practice would be to post the OHSA and its Regulations in book form.

Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Under safety Regulations – Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) there are three ways in which information on hazardous materials is to be provided:

  • labels on the containers of hazardous materials;
  • Safety Data Sheets (SDS) to supplement the label with detailed hazard and precautionary information; and
  • worker education programs.

The employer is required to make copies of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) readily available to workers, and to the joint health and safety committee, or to a health and safety representative.  The Safety Data Sheets can be posted to the Health and Safety Bulletin Board.  know more about SDS


Health and Safety Policy
The OHSA requires employers to prepare and review, at least once a year, a written occupational health and safety policy, and to develop and maintain a program to implement that policy. The policy must be posted in the workplace. 

Workplace Violence and Harassment Policies and Programs
The OHSA also requires employers to prepare and review, at least once a year, workplace violence and workplace harassment policies, and to develop and maintain programs to implement those policies. These policies must be in writing and posted in the workplace except for workplaces with five or fewer regularly employed workers unless ordered by an inspector.  Note that even though these policies are not required in workplaces with five or fewer workers, putting these documents into active use would benefit everyone in the workplace.  ( example of Safe Driving Policy: Company Owned Vehicles and Personal Owned Vehicles )


JHSC Members
In workplaces where the employer is required to establish a Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC), the employer must also post the names and work locations of the committee members in a conspicuous place.  In practical terms if you have a site-based JHSC, those names are posted.  If you have a multi-workplace JHSC, those names are posted. If you have health and safety reps in a workplace, their names and roles can also be posted.

First Aiders
Employers must post the names of designated First Aiders in a conspicuous place.  These designated First Aiders are trained during the working day.  Both the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act contain regulations relating to first aid.  First Aid Requirements  sets out the employer’s duties for ensuring there are sufficient designated workers trained in First Aid, and there are sufficient First Aid supplies for the size and the nature of the workplace.


As best practice, there are a number of additional items that would typically be posted on the Health and Safety Bulletin Board.

Monthly Health and Safety Inspection Reports
The monthly health and safety inspection reports should be posted.  The OHSA requires that the workplace be inspected at least monthly and that this inspection be performed during the working day by the worker health and safety representative, or a worker member of the JHSC. These health and safety inspection reports are provided to the principal for action.  Situations that may be a source of danger or hazard to workers must be reported to the principal and the JHSC. Read more about health and safety inspections here.

Minutes of the JHSC meetings

Emergency Contacts and Procedures 
Emergency Contacts could include for example:  911, Poison Control, Municipality, local police.  Emergency Procedures could include for example: fire safety and evacuation routes.

Occupational Health and Safety Reports
Additional items that may be posted can also include other reports related to Occupational Health and Safety that are of relevance to the workplace, for example, Monsthly Statistics, testing results for drinking water and indoor air quality.

HSE Programs

Bulletin board shall inclued all current work HSE Programs as following

  • Training Programs
  • Emergency Drills Matrix and it’s Photos
  • color Cod system
  • Chemical Inventory List
  • Safety campagins
  • HSE Audits and Inspection

HSE Activites

Bulletin board shall inclued all HSE Activites and outputs as following

  • Action Tracking Register
  • Equipment Registesr
  • Incident/Accident Analysis
  • First Aid analysis
  • Safety observations
  • Lifting Gears and equipment Register

HSE Flash

Bulletin board shall inclued the lessons learned and HSE Flashes, Alrerts and Highlights for incdients and accident occured in the workplace or other workplaces

( for more safety Flashes click here )

Insective Scheme Program

Include the Award system and Photos of safety chamipons according to their safety Performance

Now you can download the Template of HSE Buelletin Board . it’s editable and you can modify it to fit your requirment

Download the infographic

HSE Bulletin Board-Power Point

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