Health, Safety, Security and Environment

Workplace Safety Inspections Forms

A workplace inspection is a critical part of a comprehensive safety and health program in which the workplace is examined closely on a regular basis for the purpose of:

  • identifying and recording potential and actual hazards associated with buildings, equipment, environment, processes, and practices
  • identifying any hazards which require immediate attention, whether they are unsafe conditions or unsafe acts
  • ensuring that existing hazard controls are functioning adequately; and where appropriate, recommending corrective action

Within any safety program, there may, in fact, be a variety of types of inspections, for example:

  • spot inspections may be undertaken on a random basis as part of general safety responsibilities;
  • pre-operation checks of special equipment or work processes are often necessary before work is carried out;
  • critical parts inspections are regular planned inspections of those critical parts of a machine, piece of equipment, or system which have a high potential for serious accidents. They are often part of planned or preventive maintenance procedures, or hazard control programs;
  • new equipment inspections are thorough inspections and checks before operations begin;
  • regular planned inspections are done on a regular basis in a defined workplace and cover all conditions including work practices and procedures. Regular planned inspections are the subject of this publication. However, the principles which apply to this type of inspection can easily be adapted to other types of inspections.

The purpose and function of workplace inspections must be seen within the context of the whole safety and health program. It is not an isolated function, but relates to the major objectives of the program, namely:

  • to identify hazards (unsafe conditions and unsafe acts)
  • to set standards and related procedures
  • to establish and determine effectiveness of controls
  • to monitor the effectiveness of plans, programs, policies, and procedures

Effective inspections are used to assist and improve other elements of the safety program. Inspections are a critical component of safety and health programs. They help to identify possible corrective action for identified hazards and to monitor the effectiveness of controls.

Inspections should not be treated as isolated events. To be effective they must be conducted on a regular basis and be part of a systematic program aimed at accident prevention. The steps involved in establishing a sound workplace inspection system are:

  • Planning
  • Inspection
  • Reporting
  • Monitoring

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here you can download the Checklist and use it for workplace Safety Inspections

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