Free Safety Training Resources
4 min readMerriam-Webster defines “training” as the skill, knowledge, or experience acquired by one that trains. Specifically, “safety training” is for employees or even individuals working within the industrial and/or construction industries.
OSHA states that education and training provide employers, managers, supervisors, and workers with:
- Knowledge and skills are needed to do their work safely and avoid creating hazards that could place themselves or others at risk.
- Awareness and understanding of workplace hazards and how to identify, report and control them.
- Specialized training, when their work involves unique hazards.
Many in these industries utilize equipment that has associated hazards intrinsic to its’ use.
For example, forklifts, scissor lifts, boom lifts, even ladders, scaffolds or powered hand tools; just to name a few. Employee safety training is the necessary action or preventative action in order to instruct and teach your employee about the hazards and provide them the correct OSHA policies and procedures to stay safe while operating the machine or tool within the workplace.
Specifically, there are many benefits to training:
- Statistically, fewer accidents!
- Increased efficiency & productivity
- Improves employee morale
- Less time/manpower wasted on supervision and/or micromanagement
So HSSE World in this article below support all safety interests with available training resources and is easy to download including OSHA, IOSH, NEBOSH and NASP


In this free OSHA Training Course, you will find all Occupational Safety and Health Administration courses slides and PowerPoint presentations. OSHA is the agency of the United States Department of Labor, which provides training to assure safe working conditions for workers
Safety & Health Management – The Basics
Effective Safety Committee Operations
Safety committee problems solving
Accident Investigation
Introduction to OSH Training
Hazard Identification and Control
Hazard Communication
Conducting a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)
Download JHA Form JHA Workbook
Safety Committee Meeting Management
OSHA Recordkeeping
Brief Tutorial on Completing the OSHA Recordkeeping Forms
OSHA Personal Protective Equipment
LOCKOUT/TAGOUT Hazardous Energy Control
Introduction to ERGONOMICS
Safety Leadership
Supervisor Supervision and Leadership
Introduction to Confined Space Safety
Confined Space Entry Program workbook
Fall Protection
Electrical Safety Basics
Continuous safety improvement
Safety Management System Analysis
Emergency Action Plans
Fire Prevention Plans
Fleet Safety management
OSHA Violence Prevention Program
Developing Courses and Materials
Conducting On-the-job Training (OJT)
Conducting Classroom Safety Training
Effective Safety Recognition Programs
Hazardous Waste Operations Training
Safety Accountability
Effective Safety Accountability
Defensive Driving
Introduction to Industrial Hygiene
Hearing Protection OSHA Training course
Heat and Cold Stress
OSHA First Aid basics
Bloodborne Pathogens workshop
Hydrogen Sulfide Safety (H2S)
Ladder Safety in Construction
Shipyard fire protection
Confined Spaces in Construction
Confined Space Entry
Crane Safety
Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, Fire Prevention Plans, and Fire Protection
Hazardous Materials
Machine Guarding OSHA Training course
Fire Protection in Shipyard Employment
OSHA General Industry Digest
2-IOSH NEBOSH FREE Training Course
In this Section, we provide Free IOSH NEBOSH Certificate Training Course Slides & Books.
Nebosh IGC1 Trainer Package zip
IGC2 Presentations zip
IOSH A healthy Return Book
IOSH Managing Safely Training Slides
Managing Safely Institution of Occupational Safety and Health

NEBOSH IDIP UNIT IA Managing Health and Safety Part 1

NEBOSH IDIP UNIT IA Managing Health and Safety Part 2
NEBOSH Certificate Controlling Workplace Hazards
NEBOSH Certificate Management of International Health and Safety
NEBOSH Full Training Course
NEBOSH IGC 1 Past Exam Papers zip
NEBOSH IGC 2 Past Exam Papers zip
The Handbook for the NEBOSH National General Certificate
Unit-igc1 Management of International Health and Safety
Unit-igc2 Control of International Workplace Hazards
Unit-igc3 International Health and Safety Practical Application

In this Section, we provide Free NASP Certificate Training Course Slides & Books. If you would like to have our NASP Training certificated by our safety Professionals please Contact us HERE or WhatsApp: +201006052442 or Join the WhatsApp IASP group
Accident Investigation
Advanced Electrical OSHA
Basic Electrical OSHA
Bench Marking Bloodborne
Machine Guarding Checklist
Chemical Hazards in Construction
Classifications of Extinguishers
Confined Space
Confined Space Entry
Confined Space Narrative
Cranes, Derricks, Hoists,
Elevators Disaster Assistance
Electrical Safety Electrical Safety in Construction
Emergency Action Plans
Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Program Manager
Emergency Response to
Terrorism Employee Rights
OSHA Employer Rights OSHA
Ergonomics Evacuation
Planning Matrix
Extinguishing Agents Face
Hair Fall Protection, Ladders, and Stairways
Fire Narrative
Fire Protection
Fire Protection Exits and 1st Aid
Forklift Safety Hazard Analysis
Hazard Communication Program
HAZ Glossary
Hazard Communication
Hazardous Locations
Hazardous Materials
Hearing Conservation Introduction to Ergonomics
Introduction to Fire Safety Lens Shade
Lockout-Tagout LOTO
LOTO Narrative
Machine Guarding
Machine Guarding Narrative
Major Requirements
Respirator Std Manual
Handling Assessment
Material Handling Motion
Narrative violence
Needlestick safety
Office safety
Osha ergonomics
Osha respiratory
Osha training guidelines
Osha training matrix
Portable tools
Process safety management
Recordkeeping OSHA directive
Recordkeeping new-osha300form1 1 04
Recordkeeping osha300
Recordkeeping requirements
Recordkeeping test
Respiratory fit testing
Scaffold safety
Sling safety
Steel erection requirements
Machinery and machine guarding subpart o
Osha issues ergonomics standard
Osha issues highly controversial ergonomics standard
The incident command system
Trenching and excavations
Violence factsheet
Violence factsheet2
Violence OSHA interpretation
Walking and working surfaces
Welding health hazards
Welding, cutting, brazing
Welding Cutting and brazing safety for construction
Welding cutting brazing narrative
What to expect from an OSHA inspection
Workplace safety inspections
Workplace violence
Workplace violence prevention
Workplace violence prevention archive
IASP Training Aea and Certifciaiton
Here you can get your IASP Certification according to the following Training area


If you would like to have our NASP Training certificated by our safety Professionals please Contact us HERE or WhatsApp: +201006052442 or Join the WhatsApp IASP group