

Health, Safety, Security and Environment

Templates: Management of Change NEW Modified Equipment Safety Checklist

3 min read

This Production Management of Change (PMOC) procedure is intended to apply to new equipment installations, major modifications of current equipment, test equipment, and equipment that is relocated within the facility, regardless of whether the change is considered temporary or permanent.

The changes listed above shall be subject to review in accordance with this procedure.  There shall be no differentiation between issues considered during review of a permanent or temporary change.  Adequate safeguards, either procedural or consisting of installed hardware, shall be provided to safely operate a temporary change.  Since more emphasis may be placed on procedural safeguards for temporary changes, closer scrutiny may be warranted for temporary changes to help ensure the modifications does not present an unacceptable risk.

A Production Management of Change Procedure (PMOC) Program establishes and implements written procedures for managing changes to production equipment.  Production Management of Change Procedures to do not apply to “change in kind”, preventative maintenance procedures and minor changes.


Any facility or process is continually undergoing change.  Changes must be implemented to provide continuous improvement and the efficiency of the operation, improve the operability, and improve the safety of the equipment.  Any change has the potential to compromise existing safeguards if not effectively reviewed and a hazard analysis is conducted.

The objective of this procedure is to help ensure that all changes are reviewed and that any hazards introduced by the implementation of the change are identified and controlled prior to placing the change in operation.



Installers are required to verify that all new equipment installations and modifications meet or exceed the expectations of the ACME CO Safety Program and Local, State and Federal Regulations.

The installers will use the PMOC Checklist to verify that items all items on the checklist are implemented or acknowledged as not applicable.  The completed PMOC must be returned to the safety as soon as the project is completed.

Maintenance Supervisors

Maintenance Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that work conducted by outside contractors and internal personnel are issued POMC and that the PMOC is completed when the project is completed

The following template can be used to help your organization develop a written Management of change for new or modified equipment Procedure. This template cannot be used as  it is – you must customize the template to meet the needs of your organization. We have made this template easier for you to customize by adding visual prompts that identify some areas where your input is needed. These are identified by yellow highlighted, red text in the template. You may also change any of the text in the template to meet your organization’s needs – for example, department names, job titles and listed responsibilities and procedures.

Disclaimer. This sample safety program template cannot be used as It is. You must customize the template to meet the needs of your organization. HSSE WORLD does not guarantee that this template is or can be relied on for compliance with any law or regulation, assurance against preventable losses, or freedom from legal liability. We make no representations or warranties of any kind whatsoever, either express or implied, in connection with the use of this template. HSSE WORLD will not be liable for your use of the template as customized by you. All safety programs and policies, including this template and the information you supply to complete it, should be reviewed by your legal counsel and/or risk management staff.

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