

Health, Safety, Security and Environment


3 min read

ISO 45001:2018 is an international standard for the Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) management system. It serves as a framework in establishing, implementing, maintaining, and improving an occupational health and safety management system for organizations. Failure to comply can lead to workplace accidents and diseases, lawsuits, and cost overruns.

What is an ISO 45001 Checklist?

An ISO 45001 checklist is a tool used to assess an organization’s OH&S management system and determine how aligned it is with the ISO 45001 standard. As a checklist that contains the important points of the ISO standard, an ISO 45001 checklist can be used by companies when preparing for ISO certifications.

You can use this downloadable sample template as your ISO 45001 gap analysis checklist to determine how prepared your organization is for certification. This checklist covers ISO 45001 audit questions based on 7 key clauses of the standard and grouped according to the following sections:

  • Context of the organization
  • Leadership
  • Planning
  • Support
  • Operation
  • Performance Evaluation
  • Improvement

How can you prepare for ISO 45001? Enhance your transition with this readiness checklist.

ISO 45001 is set to replace the current Occupational Health and Safety Standard OHSAS 18001. Upon the release of ISO 45001, organizations that hold OHSAS certification will have a three-year window to migrate to ISO 45001 to retain the validity of their certification, after which OHSAS 18001 will be withdrawn.

This checklist has been designed to help you to understand exactly what is required in addition to current OHSAS 18001 requirements in simple terms and to highlight the areas where your business activities may already comply. Working through the Readiness Checklist will provide you with valuable insights and guidance on your next steps.

5 Steps to prepare for ISO 45001:2018 certification

  1. Obtain a copy of ISO 45001:2018.
  2. Identify gaps in the existing OH&S Management System by conducting a gap analysis or readiness test to meet ISO 45001:2018 requirements
  3. Develop an implementation plan using the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle
  4. Define your organization’s competency and training requirements for ISO 45001:2018
  5. Ensure competence needs are met and that all parties involved are kept in the loop

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