E-Books: 5-Minute Workplace Safety Talks
5-Minute Workplace Safety Talks manual by J.J. Keller’s easy-to-use gives you fingertip access to more than 100 different safety talks. The Safety Talks assists you by providing the tools you need to conduct employee safety talks. Such training sessions, usually 5-15 minutes long and conducted weekly at the start of the shift, are a popular and widely used means to convey safety information. This product is designed specifically for use in these types of training sessions. However, the information included here can also be used when preparing other, more in-depth training sessions. ( Read more: Tool Box Talk: Lockout and Tagging )
safety training is a critical component of your workplace safety program. You cannot expect your employees to work in a safe manner if you don’t explain what they need to do and how to do it. Your safety training program is the way management provides required OSHA safety instruction and information on specific workplace hazards.
Your training program not only lets employees understand that the employer is serious about their health and welfare, but also helps to instill the company’s safety culture. This 5-Minute Workplace safety talks can be used as refreshers of previous training, as a reminder of specific hazards your employees may face on the job, or as introductions to more in-depth workplace-specific training subjects.

J. J. Keller’s 5-Minute Workplace Safety Talks assist you by providing the tools you need to conduct
employee safety talks. Such training sessions, usually 5-15 minutes long and conducted weekly at the start of the shift, are a popular and widely used means to convey safety information. This product is designed specifically for use in these types of training sessions. However, the information included here can also be used when preparing other, more in-depth training sessions.
J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc.®, grants permission to reproduce the handouts included in this publication provided that Keller’s copyright notice and imprint remain visible on all copies. The copies you make may not be resold or incorporated in any other publication.
How to Develop a Safety Culture?

Due to the constantly changing nature of government regulations, it is impossible to guarantee the absolute accuracy of the material contained herein. The Publisher and Editors, therefore, cannot assume any responsibility for omissions, errors, misprinting, or ambiguity contained within this publication and shall not be held liable in any degree for any loss or injury caused by such omission, error, misprinting, or ambiguity presented in this publication.
This publication is designed to provide reasonably accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or another professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.
Also Read: Let’s Talk Safety
The content of the 5-Minute Workplace Safety Talks
Employee Access to Medical Records |
Ergonomics |
Eyestrain and CVS |
Fall Protection |
Fire Prevention |
Floor and Wall Openings |
Hand and Portable Powered Tools |
Hearing Protection |
Hydrogen Sulfide |
ISO 14000 |
Ladders |
Lifting Techniques |
Near Miss |
Personal Protective Equipment |
Process Safety |
Employee Alarm Systems |
Ethylene Oxide |
Eyewash and Showers |
Fire Extinguishers |
Flammable Liquids |
Hazard Communication |
Hazardous Waste |
Housekeeping |
Ionizing Radiation |
Job Hazard Analysis |
Lightning Safety |
Metalworking Fluids |
Office Safety |
Powered Industrial Trucks |
Scaffolding safety |
Respiratory Protection |
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E-Books: 5-Minute Workplace Safety Talks
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