

Health, Safety, Security and Environment

E-Books: Health and Safety at Work Key Terms

5 min read

Health and Safety at Work Key Terms by JW W Stranks. The book has been written principally as a revision aid for people studying for examinations in the subject, in particular the examinations set by the National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH). To this extent, in the identification and selection of key terms, the current syllabus for the NEBOSH National Diploma in Occupational Safety and Health was taken into account and the syllabus reference is incorporated where appropriate. This book is also targeted at those who may have limited involvement in health and safety, such as lawyers, human resources managers, engineers, and those involved in construction activities. Free Safety Training Resources

Occupational health and safety is a diverse subject embracing many disciplines, such as engineering, law, occupational psychology, construction, physics, and chemistry. On this basis, both health and safety practitioners and those studying for
qualifications in the subject may encounter terms with which they are unfamiliar.
Health and Safety at Work: Key Terms have been written principally as a revision aid for people studying for examinations in the subject, in particular, the examinations set by the National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH). To this extent, in the identification and selection of key terms, the current syllabus for the NEBOSH National Diploma in Occupational Safety and Health was taken
into account and the syllabus, reference is incorporated where appropriate.
This book is also targeted at those who may have limited involvement in health
and safety, such as lawyers, human resources managers, engineers, and those involved
in construction activities.

Health and Safety at work
Health and Safety at work Book’s cover

Abatement Notice Where a local authority is satisfied that a statutory nuisance exists, or is likely to occur or recur, the local authority is empowered to serve an Abatement Notice, imposing all or any of the following requirements:

  • requiring the abatement of the nuisance or prohibiting or restricting its occurrence or recurrence;
  • requiring the execution of any works, and the taking of other steps, that may be necessary for any of these purposes;

and the notice shall specify the time or times within which the requirements of the notice are to be complied with. (Environmental Protection Act 1990)

E-Books: Health and Safety Pocket Book

Health and Safety at work

burden (onus) of proof (1B1) Criminal law generally requires the prosecution to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a person committed an offence.
Under the HSWA, the burden of proof rests with the accused to prove that it was not practicable or reasonably practicable or there were no better practicable means to satisfy the duty or requirement. In a trial for a breach of the HSWA and/or regulations, the prosecution need only prove that a breach of the Act and/ or regulations took place, and that the accused was responsible for same.
Where the accused cannot prove that it was not practicable or reasonably practicable or that there were no better practicable means, the case would be considered proved against him or her.

E-Books: Learning from Accidents

cleanliness of the workplace Employers have an absolute duty to ensure that
every workplace, and the furniture, furnishings and fittings therein, are kept
sufficiently clean.
Surfaces of floors, walls and ceilings of all workplaces inside buildings must be able to be kept sufficiently clean.
So far as is reasonably practicable, waste materials must not be allowed to accumulate except where stored in suitable receptacles.
[Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992]


The content of Health and Safety at Work Key Terms

  • Preface……………………………………… v
  • A ………………………………………………. 1
  • B ………………………………………………. 16
  • C ………………………………………………. 23
  • D ………………………………………………. 41
  • E ………………………………………………. 51
  • F ………………………………………………. 61
  • G………………………………………………. 71
  • H ………………………………………………. 76
  • I………………………………………………… 89
  • J……………………………………………….. 98
  • K ………………………………………………. 100
  • L ………………………………………………. 101
  • M………………………………………………. 108
  • N ………………………………………………. 118
  • O………………………………………………. 123
  • P ………………………………………………. 128
  • Q………………………………………………. 140
  • R ………………………………………………. 142
  • S ………………………………………………. 160
  • T ………………………………………………. 181
  • U ………………………………………………. 190
  • V ………………………………………………. 192
  • W ……………………………………………… 196
  • XYZ…………………………………………… 201
  • Bibliography and Further
  • Reading ……………………………………. 203

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E-Books: Health and Safety at Work Key Terms

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