How is wind chill calculated?
Q: How is wind chill calculated? A: Heat stress is a commonly recognized problem, and many employers have put protective measures in place to reduce their workers’ risk of developing heart-related problems. Cold stress, however, is a much less widely…
E-Books: The Essential Manager’s Handbook
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] The Essential Manager’s Handbook THE ULTIMATE VISUAL GUIDE TO SUCCESSFUL MANAGEMENT. Be a more effective manager and hone your management style with DK Essential Managers Handbook, a bind-up of DK’s DK Essential Managers: Leadership, DK Essential Managers: Managing People, DK Essential Managers:…
HSE Key Performance Indicators need to be Tracked
Organizations employ key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure their progress in reaching company-specific health and safety goals. These KPIs allow safety professionals and company leaders to collect data and communicate trends, which can then be used to identify where further improvements are…
E-Books: Handbook of Rigging Lifting, Hoisting, and Scaffolding for Construction and Industrial Operations
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] This fifth edition of the industry acknowledged standard rigging reference, first published in 1950—Handbook of Rigging for Construction & Industrial Operations (Lifting, Hoisting, and Scaffolding), has been comprehensibly revised, expanded, and updated to include the current best practices…
Workplace Incidents and the Role of Heat
Whether they’re working under the searing sun or near processes and machinery that are blasting heat, some roles expose workers to extreme temperatures. Safety professionals need to understand how heat contributes to unsafe conditions and what to do about it…
Work camps during COVID-19 Guideline
COVID-19 is a coronavirus that was first identified in December 2019. Since then, it has quickly spread and infected more than 3.78 million people globally. While we’re continually learning more about the virus, it’s thought that COVID-19 is mainly spread…
Sound Masking in the Office and It’s Benefits
Office sound masking is a workplace solution that can increase safety, improve employee morale, and help your business protect private information. What is Sound Masking? Sound masking is a system that is engineered to mask human speech. Emitters are installed along…
Prevention tips to reduce the incidence of chemical spills
Many businesses from a range of industries handle hazardous chemicals on a daily basis. Apart from the health risks posed to workers by chemical leaks and spills, these substances can also potentially harm the environment, damage equipment, and expose companies to financial…
How To Improve Your Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate on the Job Site
Work related injuries are defined as the accidents that happen in the workplace that lead to an employee’s inability to safely work the next full work day. But how can we effectively limit the number of these work injuries? According to…
Safety People , Not Safety Numbers
Focusing on safety data over people is a common cause of frustration among employees. I see this all too often – we focus on numbers and use them to influence people.We have this backward. We must focus on our people…
Returning to safe operation COVID-19
HSSE WORLD recognizes the importance of worker safety as businesses look to resume operations following COVID-19 related work stoppages or interruptions. The following article provide employers with information and resources to assist them in ensuring the risk of exposure to…
Safety Templates: COVID-19 Safety Plan
Employers are required to develop a COVID-19 Safety Plan that outlines the policies, guidelines, and procedures they have put in place to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission. This tool will guide you through a six-step process to help you…
Why Tracking Visitors Is More Important Than You Think: Visitor Management
Imagine the following scenario. You work at a hospital and your IT department gets a message that the HVAC systems, the electrical system (including the backup generators), and the elevators have been taken over by an external bad actor who…
Forklift Maintenance Tips
With 85 forklift fatalities and 34,900 serious injuries each year, there’s no question that forklifts are a workplace hazard that needs serious attention. But keeping forklifts running well means maintaining them – and that’s a dangerous job in and of…
Welding Health Hazards
Welding operations present several hazards to both those undertaking the activity and others in the vicinity. Therefore, it’s important that you are aware of the risks and hazards welding poses, and understand what precautions you can take to protect yourself….
Quick Tips for Avoiding Pinch Point Injuries: Safety Moment#27
Pinch points are a leading cause of injury within the construction industry. Learn what they are and how you can avoid pinch point related injuries. “I am the only woman working in the shop at my company. The men have…
Workplace Safety Inspections Forms
A workplace inspection is a critical part of a comprehensive safety and health program in which the workplace is examined closely on a regular basis for the purpose of: identifying and recording potential and actual hazards associated with buildings, equipment,…