Health, Safety, Security and Environment

Month: February 2021

E-Books: Job Hazard Analysis A Guide for Voluntary Compliance and Beyond

Job Hazard Analysis A Guide for Voluntary Compliance and Beyond 2nd edition by James E. Roughton. This book methodically develops the risk assessment basis needed for ANSI/AIHA Z10 and other safety and health management systems. It is supported by numerous real-life examples,…

Dump Truck Safety tips

Unloading a dump truck can be a hazardous operation, particularly when the ground is uneven or when the load is being delivered into a pit. This is a common scenario at mining sites. Moreover, dump trucks loaded with coal can…

E-Books: Electrical Safety of Low Voltage Systems

Electrical Safety of Low Voltage Systems by Massimo Mitolo. The book’s audience consists of electrical engineering students who need to know the principles of electrical safety as well as professional engineers who are involved in the bonding and grounding of power systems….

Photo of the day: Safe Lifting at work

Lifting heavy items is one of the leading causes of injury in the workplace. In 2001, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that over 36 percent of injuries involving missed workdays were the result of shoulder and back injuries. Overexertion…

E-Books: Your Guide to A Healthy Heart

Heart Disease: Why Should You Care? If you’re like many people, you may think of heart disease as a problem that happens to other folks. “I feel fine,” you may think, “so I have nothing to worry about.” If you’re…

E-Books: Fall Prevention and Protection Principles Guidelines and practices

Fall Prevention and Protection Principles Guidelines and practices by Hongwei Hsiao. This book covers a wealth of knowledge from experts and informed stakeholders on the best ways to understand, prevent, and control fall-related risk exposures. Featured are subjects on (1)…

what is medical waste? and how to dispose of it Safely?

When we talk about workplace safety, a lot of the discussion focuses on construction, manufacturing, and natural resource extraction workers and the hazards they face on the job. And while they might not be as evident at first sight, other…

E-Books: Topics in Safety, Risk, Reliability, and Quality

Topics in Safety, Risk, Reliability, and Quality book for Corrosion Problems and Solutions in Oil Refining and Petrochemical Industry start a journey into the amazing world of crude oil, fuels, and corrosion problems and solutions at oil refineries and petrochemical…

Occupational Health Hazards and Its Classification

In the past, mostly the worker’s health was considered in relation to their work and working conditions in industrial places like factories, mines, workshops, etc., hence the terms industrial safety and health and industrial hygiene were developed and used. But…

Photo of the day: 5 Ways to Reinforce Commuting With Positive Reinforcement

Leaders make great bosses but sadly, not every boss makes a leader. The fact that someone is in a position of authority doesn’t mean that they are respected or followed. We can all name quite a few ‘bosses’, managers, and…

E-Books: Occupational Safety and Health Fundamental Principles and Philosophies

Occupational Safety and Health fundamental principles and philosophies Book by Charles D. Reese CRC press first edition 2017. Most occupational safety and health (OSH) books tell the reader how to apply all the concepts, principles, elements, and tools of prevention and develop…

Process Safety and Instrumentation control system

Instrumentation safety may be broadly divided into two categories: how instruments themselves may pose a safety hazard (electrical signals possibly igniting hazardous atmospheres), and how Process Safety and Instrumentation and control systems may be configured to detect unsafe process conditions and automatically shut…

Everything you need to know about the explosion

The explosion is the result of rapid combustion with a sudden, violent change of pressure involving the liberation and expansion of a large volume of gas. Thus the release of energy in a rapid and uncontrolled manner gives rise to…

Photo of the day: Eyes on the Road The challenges of safe driving

Do you engage in distracted driving behaviors? Distracted driving occurs anytime your attention is not focused on driving or the road ahead. Distractions can be cognitive, visual, or manual, but they all take away from your main responsibility when you’re…

Tips to Avoid Standstill Accidents: Safety Moment#33

Commuting to and from work or from Jobsite to Jobsite can feel monotonous. However, it’s vital to remain alert and prepared – even at a red light. A momentary distraction or a poorly maintained vehicle is all it takes for an accident to occur, one which can even…

E-Books: Risk Assessment A Practical Guide to Assessing Operational Risks

Risk Assessment A Practical Guide to Assessing Operational Risks by Bruce Hollcroft, Bruce K. Lyon, and Georgi Popov. The book provides the fundamentals of risk assessment, with many practical applications, for undergraduate and graduate students and employed safety, health, and environmental…

HIRA, HSE Hazards & Effects Management Process (HEMP) & Risk Register Template

The objective of the Hazard Identification Risk Assessment (HIRA) is to identifying and assessing the hazard associated with the construction of the project and thereby controlling the risk by implementing mitigation measures before the start of the work to avoid…

Free Safety Slogans

Safety slogans have been instrumental in assisting the general public to abide by safety rules.  Slogans my generation will never forget include: “Only you can prevent forest fires,” “Stranger Danger,” and “Just say no (to drugs)”.  My childhood safety slogans…

Photo of the day: Overhead powerline safety

Between 2011 and 2018, 38% of all electrically related workplace fatalities were caused by overhead power lines. In the majority of these cases, fatalities occurred in occupations with little to no electrical safety training. So when you’re on a job…

E-Books: Electrical Safety Code Manual

Electrical Safety Code Manual by Kimberley Keller. A Plain Language Guide to National Electrical Code, OSHA, and NFPA 70E. This book will tie together the various regulations and practices for electrical safety and translate these complicated standards into easy-to-understand terms. Even…

Engineering Controls or PPE?

As an idea, engineering controls are moderately basic. They are the favored techniques for danger control that works by isolating labor from risk. Appears to be adequately straightforward, correct? Nevertheless, it makes some disarray in wellbeing the executives since concocting…