The importance of HSE training for employees in all industries
Workplace safety is a critical issue for businesses of all sizes and industries. Each year, preventable accidents injure or kill millions of workers, causing significant financial losses. Workplace injuries and illnesses cost U.S. businesses billions of dollars each year in lost productivity,…
Free Hydrogen Sulfide Training Awareness
Exposure to low concentrations of Hydrogen sulfide Produces irritation to the thin, transparent tissue that covers the outer surface of the eyes and mucous membranes. Brief exposure to the high concentration of hydrogen sulfide may result in collapse, coma, and…
Video: Ladder Safety-A Practical Approach
While ladder manufacturers strive to produce the safest ladders possible, a well-made ladder is not enough. This video discusses the basic Ladder safety precautions that will keep employees safe when using ladders. Viewers will also see the consequences of failing…
Video: Stored Energy
While most people think about lockout hazards when discussing “stored energy,” potential and elastic stored energy can also be very dangerous. This Video is designed to raise your employees’ awareness of all types of stored energy hazards in the work…
Online Quiz: Top 13 Industrial Safety Objectives Questions
The safety and productivity of people, machines, and processes is a key element of any sustainable business. Industrial safety systems have been used for many years to perform safety functions in the manufacturing industries. In most situations, safety is best…
Video: Hydrogen Sulfide Employee Training
Employees can work safely in areas where the potential of hydrogen sulfide exists by following their organization’s Hydrogen Sulfide Contingency Plan; knowing how and when to use respiratory protection, and knowing the meaning of their facility’s hydrogen sulfide warning sounds and…
Video: Protecting our sight
Each and every day, our eyes provide the gateway that allows us to recognize and comprehend the world we work, live, and play in. Because our vision is so crucial to almost all aspects of our daily lives, it’s difficult…
Video: Supported Scaffolding Safety
Every day, millions of people reach the work they do by using supported scaffolds which provide a walking and working surface up off the ground. However, scaffolds can also be hazardous and thousands of workers are injured every year and…
Preventing Fires During Hot Work Operations
Welding, grinding, cutting, open flame, and other spark-producing tools and operations are all capable of starting dangerous fires in our workplaces. Collectively known as hot work, such processes require specific permits and procedures to be followed to prevent the ignition…
Video: Lockout – Tagout Safety Training
This dynamic program shows viewers that a commitment to safety procedures following Lockout / Tagout or LOTO, will assure workplace safety and can even save a life. Lockout / Tagout training follows OSHA regulations by isolating and disconnecting all sources…
Free Safety Training Resources
Merriam-Webster defines “training” as the skill, knowledge, or experience acquired by one that trains. Specifically, “safety training” is for employees or even individuals working within the industrial and/or construction industries. OSHA states that education and training provide employers, managers, supervisors,…
Video: Avoiding line of Fire: Safety Moment#36
The term “line of fire” in safety is very common when talking about the hazards of a work task. Depending on the work being completed, there could be many different lines of fire or there could be very few. It…
Video: Employee safety in confined spaces
Confined spaces can be dangerous, especially if a confined space entry is conducted poorly by untrained personnel. This training program and safety video explain the potential hazards of a confined space entry and how these hazards can be controlled with…
Video: Aerial Work Platform Safety: Safety Moment#35
Aerial work platforms are powerful machines that help us in many maintenance and construction projects. If used correctly, these pieces of equipment can provide quick and easy access to work areas that were once almost impossible to reach. While there…
Online Quiz: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) while at work is of great importance. It ensures that should any accidents occur, the damage imposed on the wearer is significantly reduced or prevented altogether. Personal protective equipment is defined as equipment, including those…
E-Books: Safety Health and Environmental Auditing
Safety Health and Environmental Auditing A Practical Guide by Simon Watson Pain. The purpose of this book is to provide guidance for managers and specialists in those organizations who are committed to improving their safety, health, and environmental performance, but…
E-Books: A Quick Guide to Health and Safety
A Quick Guide to Health and Safety by R Gilbert. Health and safety issues now impose upon almost every part of business life. The system of enforcement is managed and implemented in the UK by The Health and Safety Executive…
E-Books: Job Hazard Analysis A Guide for Voluntary Compliance and Beyond
Job Hazard Analysis A Guide for Voluntary Compliance and Beyond 2nd edition by James E. Roughton. This book methodically develops the risk assessment basis needed for ANSI/AIHA Z10 and other safety and health management systems. It is supported by numerous real-life examples,…
E-Books: Electrical Safety of Low Voltage Systems
Electrical Safety of Low Voltage Systems by Massimo Mitolo. The book’s audience consists of electrical engineering students who need to know the principles of electrical safety as well as professional engineers who are involved in the bonding and grounding of power systems….
E-Books: Fall Prevention and Protection Principles Guidelines and practices
Fall Prevention and Protection Principles Guidelines and practices by Hongwei Hsiao. This book covers a wealth of knowledge from experts and informed stakeholders on the best ways to understand, prevent, and control fall-related risk exposures. Featured are subjects on (1)…
E-Books: Topics in Safety, Risk, Reliability, and Quality
Topics in Safety, Risk, Reliability, and Quality book for Corrosion Problems and Solutions in Oil Refining and Petrochemical Industry start a journey into the amazing world of crude oil, fuels, and corrosion problems and solutions at oil refineries and petrochemical…
E-Books: Occupational Safety and Health Fundamental Principles and Philosophies
Occupational Safety and Health fundamental principles and philosophies Book by Charles D. Reese CRC press first edition 2017. Most occupational safety and health (OSH) books tell the reader how to apply all the concepts, principles, elements, and tools of prevention and develop…
E-Books: Risk Assessment A Practical Guide to Assessing Operational Risks
Risk Assessment A Practical Guide to Assessing Operational Risks by Bruce Hollcroft, Bruce K. Lyon, and Georgi Popov. The book provides the fundamentals of risk assessment, with many practical applications, for undergraduate and graduate students and employed safety, health, and environmental…
E-Books: Electrical Safety Code Manual
Electrical Safety Code Manual by Kimberley Keller. A Plain Language Guide to National Electrical Code, OSHA, and NFPA 70E. This book will tie together the various regulations and practices for electrical safety and translate these complicated standards into easy-to-understand terms. Even…