Health, Safety, Security and Environment

Month: November 2020

Photo of the day: Fostering Engagement at the front line

Employee engagement is a workplace approach resulting in the right conditions for all members of an organization to give their best each day, committed to their organization’s goals and values, motivated to contribute to organizational success, with an enhanced sense…

Lifesaving Rules Really Save Lives

Lifesaving Rules, Golden Rules, Cardinal Rules many organizations identify a set of safety rules that are considered of utmost importance. The less common term “Blood Rules” graphically indicates the genesis of these rules they come from an analysis of serious…

Tunneling Safety

Tunneling work is widely carried out in the construction of the railway, road projects, and irrigation This work is specialized and hazardous because of cramped working space wet and slippery flooring, artificial lighting. Usually characterized by inadequate, ventilation, obnoxious gases,…

E-Books: Safety With Machinery

Safety With Machinery By John Ridley and Dick Pearce. This book sets out to simplify and clarify how those obligations can be met while remaining sane and economically viable. It explains the principles involved in the protection techniques and the…

Improve Pipeline Safety Management with Aerial Data

In the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration’s (PHMSA) February 2020 Public Meeting, PHMSA’s Office of Pipeline Safety outlined a three-step process toward better safety management systems: Reactive: Develops strategies that respond to past incidents and accidents Proactive: Actively collects data to identify…

Photo of the day: FrontLine supervisors are the LINCHPINS of safety

No matter the industry, in all my years of experience working across organizations, from the hourly workforce to the executive team, I have always found the most difficult job to be frontline supervision. Frontline supervisors have tremendous pressure from all directions. Their…

Safety Flash: Unsafe lifting operations

A member reports two incidences of unsafe lifting, which are worthy of note. Incident 1 Unsafe Lifting Operations By sub-contractor On a platform supply vessel (PSV) involved in demobilization operations alongside, the crane operator attempted to lift a winch frame…

What is The meaning of Back Fire, Sustained Backfire, and Flashback ? and what is its preventive measures in welding Applications

Used properly, modern oxy-fuel process equipment is safe to handle without extra protection. There is no substitute for training and diligence among those who operate oxy-fuel equipment. However, the use of special technical safety devices such as flashback arrestors is…

Behavioral Safety

The application of behavioral science has contributed greatly to improvements in safety. From behavior-based safety to safety leadership to developing a positive safety culture, the science of behavior has helped thousands of organizations improve safety performance. Many organizations implement safety…

Latent Effects Hazards

Quick, think of a hazard! If you’re like me, you imagined something dramatic – an open pit, a lightning bolt, an exploding gas tank. Maybe you just pictured the glowering skull and crossbones of the poison sign warning you of…

Photo of the day:5 keys for effective Self-Management in lone worker safety

Lone workers are those who work by themselves without close or direct supervision. Anybody who works alone, including contractors, self-employed people, and employees, is classed as a lone worker. Lone workers include: people in fixed establishments where only one person…

The Role of a Safety Manager

Like many safety professionals, I entered the field as a second calling and, to a certain degree, as a matter of chance. I was simply the right person in the right place at the right time. When you find yourself…

Online Quiz: lightning Safety

The weather forecast calls for a slight chance of thunderstorms, but you can only see a few fluffy white clouds overhead. So you and your tennis partner grab your racquets and balls and head for the tennis court. You spend…

Photo of the day:7 Ineffective Safety Practices (And What To Do Instead)

Sometimes, it’s good to be reminded of what works and what doesn’t work, whether you’re talking about food choices, sleep habits, or occupational safety. To give OSH professionals a visual reminder of effective safety practices, below is an infographic that…


ISO 45001:2018 is an international standard for the Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) management system. It serves as a framework in establishing, implementing, maintaining, and improving an occupational health and safety management system for organizations. Failure to comply can lead…

Understanding High Integrity Pressure Protection Systems (HIPPS)

No chemical process facility is immune to the risk of over-pressure to avoid dictating the necessity for over-pressure protection. For every situation that demands safe containment of process gas, it becomes an obligation for engineers to equally provide pressure-relieving and…

Photo of the day:5-Signs your Near-Miss Reporting is failing

It’s easy to discount the importance of near-miss incidents since they don’t result in any real injury or property damage. However, the near-miss is a dress rehearsal for the real thing and a free shot at fixing problems with your…

Investing in Machine Safety

Cost avoidance is defined by any action taken in the present that prevents incurring greater costs in the future. For example, routinely investing in machine safety to remain in compliance with safety regulations is a form of cost avoidance. Unlike…

Safety Books

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Why choose Intrinsic Safety?

Intrinsic safety (IS) is a  low-energy signaling technique that prevents explosions from occurring by ensuring that the energy transferred to a hazardous area is well below the energy required to initiate an explosion. The energy levels made available for signaling are…

Photo of the day: 10 Elements of Successful Behavior-Based Safety Program

More and more we need to look at new approaches to achieving safe and healthy workplaces. We need to apply the learning from the many years of analyses of accidents and ill health because this will contribute to future prevention…

Photo of the day: Tracking Near Miss Incidents

Does your organization have a process and program enabled to report on near misses easily? Are corrective actions being implemented to lower the frequency and severity of future occurrences? Are employees risk-sensitive? A near miss is an unplanned event that…