Health, Safety, Security and Environment

Month: July 2022

Photo of the day: Working Safely with Suspended Loads

In almost every industry, a load of some kind is being lifted, manipulated, lowered, or carried in a way that poses risk to workers. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that there are more than 50,000 “struck by falling…

Vehicle Backing Safety Facts

Most drivers spend less than 1% of their driving time in reverse, yet national statistics indicate that about one-quarter of all collisions occur while backing. Backing incident rates are even higher among fleet drivers, accounting for up to half of…

Gasoline Safety Tips

Gasoline is a major fuel source to power vehicles, lawnmowers, boats, motorcycles, snowblowers, tractors, and some light planes. It is a vital part of everyday life. However, failing to properly handle and store it can lead to illnesses, injuries, fires,…

Photo of the day: Heat Stroke First Aid and safety posters

Heat stroke is a condition caused by your body overheating, usually as a result of prolonged exposure to or physical exertion in high temperatures. This most serious form of heat injury, heat stroke, can occur if your body temperature rises…

What is the difference between Relief Valve and Safety Valve

In the process industry, both terms refer to safety devices, which generally come in the form of valves, cylinders, and other cylinders that protect people, property, and the environment. Safety valves and relief valves are integral components of process safety….

Eyewash and Emergency Shower Safety

Sufficient and properly working emergency eyewash and shower devices in the workplace are vital for easing eye and skin injuries. However, this equipment is not a substitute for safety eyewear, face shields, protective clothing, or other personal protective gear designed…

E-Books: Permit-Required Confined Spaces

Permit-Required Confined Spaces is an informational booklet provides a general overview of a particular topic related to OSHA standards. It does not alter or determine compliance responsibilities in OSHA standards or the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 Because…

Photo of the day: Near-Miss Reporting and Posters

Employee participation in any near-miss program is vital, however, it can be challenging to get workers to conform to change especially when it can be time-consuming or seem unnecessary. All workers regardless of their role have a long list of…