Health, Safety, Security and Environment

Month: May 2021

Work safely with Portable Generators

On construction sites, portable generators are often used to power work lights and tools such as table saws, compressors, and belt sanders. Portable generators are generally easy to operate, but it’s important to follow some simple safety practices that can…

Conventional or Addressable Fire Alarm System?

There are various differences between the two types of alarm systems – Conventional systems and Addressable systems. Thus, choosing a better fire alarm system becomes a critical choice because you have to decide on the company. If we talk about the main…

Photo of the day: working in heat and Humidex Rating

Whether it’s a foundry, a bustling restaurant kitchen, or outdoors in the summer months, a hot environment can overwhelm a body’s ability to deal with heat, leading to a variety of illnesses. Whenever possible, employers should take measures to protect…

E-Books: Mental health at work series

Workplace health and safety programs and initiatives have traditionally focused on physical health and the prevention of accidents, illnesses, and injuries. Increasingly, however, organizations realize the importance of promoting the total well-being – physical, psychosocial, and mental health – of…

How to use Plate Clamps Safely: Safety Moment#34

Plate clamps, or sheet clamps, make difficult lifts safer and easier. While these strong lifting tools allow for faster production speeds, they should not be used haphazardly. The use of plate lifting clamps requires an operator who is trained on…

E-Books: Live Fire Training: Principles and Practice

Live Fire Training: Principles and Practice to NFPA 1403, provides a definitive guide on how to ensure safe and realistic live-fire training for both students and instructors. All firefighters need the safe and controlled “real-life” training offered through live-fire exercises…

Photo of the day: Sitting at work

Many workers are spending more time sitting at work in low activity jobs. Those who spend long periods in a seated position on the job are at risk for injury and a variety of adverse health effects, from muscle cramps,…

Fire safety for office workers

While office workers often don’t think much about the potential for fire while performing their jobs, there are more than 1,000 fires in office environments each year.  Such factors as employee complacency; office equipment and appliances that generate heat; and…

Photo of the day: 5 ways to reduce the risk of Slipping and Tripping

The statistics related to slips, trips, and falls in the workplace are staggering nearly 16 million fall injuries occur each year. These mishaps are the second leading cause of fatalities on the job and the third leading cause of employee…

E-Books: Pre-Startup Safety Review Guide

A pre-startup safety review (PSSR) is carried out to confirm that all appropriate elements of process safety management have been addressed satisfactorily and that the facility is safe to startup.The objective of this position paper is to define the key…

Photo of the day: Preventing the spread of contagious illness

Over the past several years, it seems you cannot turn on a newscast or open a newspaper without seeing headlines about an outbreak of some type of virus or infection. Swine flu, avian flu, the respiratory ailment known as SARS, and…

Online Quiz: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) while at work is of great importance. It ensures that should any accidents occur, the damage imposed on the wearer is significantly reduced or prevented altogether. Personal protective equipment is defined as equipment, including those…

E-Books: Fire and Emergency Drill Manual and Building Inspection Guide

Fire and Emergency Drill Manual and Building Inspection Guide published : To suggest processes for the preparation, conduct and evaluation of drill. To serve as a guide for carrying out periodic inspection of building/premise. National Building Code 2016 (Part 4:…

Photo of the day: Incident Investigations

When workplace incidents happen, they must be investigated properly and by the right individuals. As incidents have the potential to result in injury, illness, and fatalities, it is important for the investigators to identify the root cause so future incidents…

Photo of the day: 10 Scaffold Safety Essentials

Fall hazards are the leading cause of construction worker deaths, accounting for almost half of all fatalities in construction each year. OSHA estimates that approximately 65 percent of construction workers perform some work on scaffolds each year. Without an understanding of…

Photo of the day: Effective Health and Safety Committees

A health and safety committee, comprised of worker and management representatives who meet regularly, brings the internal responsibility system into practice. This system recognizes that the employer and workers have a shared responsibility for workplace health and safety, with the…

E-Books: Health and Safety: Risk Management 5th edition

Health and Safety: Risk Management is the clearest and most comprehensive book on risk management available today. This newly revised fifth edition takes into account new developments in legislation, standards, and good practice. ISO 45001, the international health and safety…

Photo of the day: New worker Orientation & Safety Orientation checklist

New workers are more vulnerable to getting sick or injured, especially during the first month on the job. To help prevent these incidents, there are a number of tips, reminders, and questions that new workers should take into consideration to…

Key Risk Indicators ( KRIs) and it’s the relationship to Key Performance Indicators (KPIs )

Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) are critical predictors of unfavorable events that can adversely impact organizations. They monitor changes in the levels of risk exposure and contribute to the early warning signs that enable organizations to report risks, prevent crises, and…

Photo of the day: Workplace Inspection

Workplace inspections are an important prevention tool that can prevent injuries and illnesses and ensure that your health and safety program is working. The goal is to find any unsafe acts or conditions and implement necessary controls. The photo of…

E-Books: Fire Protection systems -Third edition 2021

Fire protection systems third editions by A.Maurice Jones, jr. A. Maurice Jones, Jr. is the Supervisor, Fire Protection Systems in the Operations Division, Community Risk Reduction Section of the Alexandria (Virginia) Fire Department.Over his 20-year career, he has been responsible…

Basic Guidelines for Selection of Fire and Gas Detectors

This article provides the basic guidelines for the selection of fire and gas detectors like linear heat detector, rate of rise heat detector, optical smoke detector, ionization chamber smoke detector, open path gas detector, catalytic sensor type combustible gas detector, and flame…

Photo of the day: musculoskeletal disorders

Ergonomics can be complicated, but this article provides a simple explanation all employees can understand. Ergonomic controls are used in almost all workplaces to prevent musculoskeletal disorders (MSDS), often called cumulative trauma disorders or repetitive stress injuries. Workers often ignore…

Photo of the day: Emergency preparedness in the workplace

Emergencies and disasters can strike anywhere and at any time bringing workplace injuries and illnesses with them. Employers and workers may be required to deal with an emergency when it is least expected and proper planning before an emergency is necessary to…