Photo of the day: Eyes on the Road The challenges of safe driving
Do you engage in distracted driving behaviors? Distracted driving occurs anytime your attention is not focused on driving or the road ahead. Distractions can be cognitive, visual, or manual, but they all take away from your main responsibility when you’re…
Tips to Avoid Standstill Accidents: Safety Moment#33
Commuting to and from work or from Jobsite to Jobsite can feel monotonous. However, it’s vital to remain alert and prepared – even at a red light. A momentary distraction or a poorly maintained vehicle is all it takes for an accident to occur, one which can even…
E-Books: Risk Assessment A Practical Guide to Assessing Operational Risks
Risk Assessment A Practical Guide to Assessing Operational Risks by Bruce Hollcroft, Bruce K. Lyon, and Georgi Popov. The book provides the fundamentals of risk assessment, with many practical applications, for undergraduate and graduate students and employed safety, health, and environmental…
HIRA, HSE Hazards & Effects Management Process (HEMP) & Risk Register Template
The objective of the Hazard Identification Risk Assessment (HIRA) is to identifying and assessing the hazard associated with the construction of the project and thereby controlling the risk by implementing mitigation measures before the start of the work to avoid…
Free Safety Slogans
Safety slogans have been instrumental in assisting the general public to abide by safety rules. Slogans my generation will never forget include: “Only you can prevent forest fires,” “Stranger Danger,” and “Just say no (to drugs)”. My childhood safety slogans…
Photo of the day: Overhead powerline safety
Between 2011 and 2018, 38% of all electrically related workplace fatalities were caused by overhead power lines. In the majority of these cases, fatalities occurred in occupations with little to no electrical safety training. So when you’re on a job…
E-Books: Electrical Safety Code Manual
Electrical Safety Code Manual by Kimberley Keller. A Plain Language Guide to National Electrical Code, OSHA, and NFPA 70E. This book will tie together the various regulations and practices for electrical safety and translate these complicated standards into easy-to-understand terms. Even…
Engineering Controls or PPE?
As an idea, engineering controls are moderately basic. They are the favored techniques for danger control that works by isolating labor from risk. Appears to be adequately straightforward, correct? Nevertheless, it makes some disarray in wellbeing the executives since concocting…
E-Books: Career Guide to the Safety Profession
A career guide to the safety profession by American Society of Safety Engineers Foundation. The Career Guide to the Safety Professionbprovides an overview of the variety of careers available in the safety profession. It also provides guidance in the selection…
Online Quiz: Work and home fire safety
Fire safety is the set of practices intended to reduce the destruction caused by fire. Fire safety measures include those that are intended to prevent the ignition of an uncontrolled fire and those that are used to limit the development and effects of a…
Photo of the day: Top10 Injuries in office work
At first glance, you may not think there’s much risk associated with office jobs. There’s no heavy machinery in offices like there is in industrial environments. There are the same risks that are present in forestry or construction work either….
Be Ready for Severe Weather during Construction works
Don’t let the weather cause long-term disruptions on your construction site. Being prepared means having your equipment and workers ready for anything from a sudden rainstorm to freezing temperatures. These changes in weather are especially frequent in New York and…
Enhance Worksite Safety by using wearable technology
A 2014 survey from The Workforce Institute at Kronos Inc. found that a significant number of adults in many countries think that improving safety is the number one factor that would make workers more likely to use wearable technology in the workplace….
E-Books: Occupational Safety and Health Simplified for the Chemical Industry
Occupational Safety and Health Simplified for the Chemical Industry by Frank R. Spellman and Revonna M. Bieber. This book is written to help professionals and nonprofessionals associated with the chemical industry to have access to the most current information and…
Photo of the day: You can prevent workplace Falls
Few people can claim they’ve never slipped, tripped, or fallen at least once in their lives. It happens to everyone at home, school, work, and play. Sometimes it can get a laugh out of bystanders but in reality, these types…
Lessons Learned from Hand Injuries
From our earliest moments, we use our hands to learn, to explore, and to interact with the world around us, and now as working adults, our hands continue to be “out front,” touching, grasping, pushing, pulling, and lifting our way…
Photo of the day: 8 Basic steps to wear a safety harness
In the construction industry, working at heights is a standard part of the job. But with increased height also comes an increased risk of falling. For comprehensive safety solutions, always partner with professionals who prioritize safety at every level. Whether…
Safety Flash: Overturning of the Lifeboat Kristin Faye
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) of the United States has published Marine Accident Brief MAB 20-36 relating to the overturning of lifeboat (small jack-up) Kristin Faye. Liftboats are three- or four-legged, self-propelled, self-elevating vessels typically servicing Gulf of Mexico offshore facilities (such…
Protruding Rebars Hazards and Control Measures
Rebar reinforcement bars are a common part of civil concrete work. Subsequently, rebar safety is an extremely important issue on construction sites. There are two common types of accidents associated with rebar, they are implements and abrasions. Some other hazards…
Photo of the day: Ladder Safety Tips
OSHA’s walking and working surface safety regulations include working from ladders. One of the most popular workplace tools in both construction and industry can often pose a safety risk when used incorrectly. According to OSHA, slips, trips, and falls continue to…
In The Line of Fire
The line separating safety from danger is sometimes quite small. To avoid crossing that line, we must 1) always be aware of the hazards around us; 2) understand the machines and operations in our work areas, and 3) take the…
E-Books: Simultaneous Operations SIMOPS Training Material
Any industry works with concurrent or simultaneous operations. The hazards associated with the simultaneous operations or SIMOPS as they call increase as the companies or contractors working on them do not have the same goals, operational or health, and safety…
Common Causes of the workplace incident: Safety Moment#32
Accidents can happen any time obviously, they’re not intentional, and there are infinite possibilities for something to go wrong. You can avoid many accidents, however, by taking certain precautions to ensure that the most likely mishaps will not occur. Mike…
Caught Between Hazards: One of Construction’s Fatal Four
To reduce the high number of injuries and deaths that occur on construction sites, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, has identified the four most common causes of injuries and fatalities in construction. Known as the “Fatal Four” or…