Health, Safety, Security and Environment

Month: July 2020

Construction Site Traffic Management Plan (CSTMP) Guidance

The Construction Site Traffic Management Plan or CSTMP has been developed to help the Project Supervisor Construction Stage (PSCS) and contractors to identify hazards and apply appropriate controls so that the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on a construction site…

Hand and Portable Powered Tools Guideline

Hazard Recognition Tools are such a common part of our lives that it is difficult to remember that they may pose hazards.  All tools are manufactured with safety in mind but, tragically, a serious accident often occurs before steps are…

E-Books: Industrial Hygiene Simplified

Industrial Hygiene Simplified: A Guide to Anticipation, Recognition, Evaluation, and Control of Workplace Hazards by Frank R. Spellman. This book was written in response to the need for a hands-on, practical resource that focuses on the needs of modern industrial…

Safety Flash: double Man overboard Resulting in one fatality

What happened? During preparations for disconnecting a tow tug which was moored to a barge in turn moored to the jetty, a crew member of the tow tug fell into the water between the tow tug and the barge.  A…

How many wheel chocks do should I use per trailer?

Q: How many wheel chocks do should I use per trailer? A: How many wheel chocks you should use per trailer depends on several variables. Consider the following: Location and terrain Composition of area (asphalt, gravel, mud) Grade or slope, if any…

E-Books: Managing your shiftwork

This book Managing your shiftwork has been produced to help people understand the nature of shiftwork and is designed to assist individuals in coping with this lifestyle. Everything in it has been extensively researched both inside and outside of the…

Guideline for Hazardous Locations

Electrical equipment can cause explosions in certain atmospheres. Equipment used in areas where explosive concentrations of dust or vapors may exist must be equipped with special wiring and other electrical components for safety purposes. Hazardous (classified) locations such as these…

The Danger of Fall Arrest Systems: Suspension Trauma

Two workers are conducting maintenance on a bridge when one loses his footing and falls. His fall protection gear kicks in and arrests his fall almost as soon as it starts. His life has been saved – but he’s not out of…

Tool Box Talk: Boom Truck Safety

Heavy items can be lifted safely if the boom truck crane is operated properly. Each time the boom lifts a load, its angle changes as it extends, and the crane’s upper deck rotates to swing the load. With that motion,…


The Next Generation of PPE: Mobile Phones and Tablets

Traditionally, personal protective equipment (PPE) has referred to the items that protect a worker’s physical body helmets, goggles, steel-toed boots, harnesses. But you might not realize that one of the most important pieces of PPE your team can adopt is a mobile…

E-Books: Learning from Accidents

Learning from Accidents Third edition Book by Trevor Kletz. This book deals mainly with accident investigation and the need to look beyond the immediate technical causes for ways of avoiding the hazards and for weaknesses in the management system. The…

Safety Net Regulations: Safety Moment#28

Safety nets are quickly becoming the preferred method of fall prevention in construction. Learn what they are, and how to make sure your safety net passes the test. When I got my first construction job after moving to a big…

Working Safely with High Temperatures

Hot work is common in a variety of industries and workplaces, but it can also be extremely dangerous. It’s important that workers understand the risks that come with this kind of work – and how to manage them. Understanding Hot Work…

Planning Toolbox Talks 6 Things to Consider

Toolbox talks are a quick and easy way to deliver key safety information to workers and provide brief refresher training. They allow you to make safety a regular habit and keep it at the top of everyone’s mind. But some…

What Is The Difference Between Incidents and Accidents?

How does your company manage its safety and health incident information? Traditional safety methodology involves capturing and analyzing data related to accidents and incidents. This provides important insight into the safety of the workplace, but it is only part of…

E-Books: A Practical Guide to Fire Alarm Systems

This third edition of A Practical Guide to Fire Alarm Systems is the first electronic version of the guide. The guide is a collaborative effort of many, but particular thanks must go to Dr. Shane M. Clary of Bay Alarm…

How to Prevent Needlestick Injuries?

As an employer of health care workers, you want and need to provide a safe and healthy workplace for your employees. In 1991, OSHA published the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1910.1030, to protect workers…