Health, Safety, Security and Environment

Month: May 2020

3 Ways to Manage Carbon Monoxide Risks at Loading Docks

From 1999 to 2015, there were about 7,393 deaths from unintentional carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning in the United States. It’s often referred to as the silent killer – and for good reason. Since it’s colorless and odorless, carbon monoxide is impossible to detect…

Regular Safety Meetings 6 Ways Keep Employees Safe and Decrease Incidents

How many Tool Box Talks does OSHA require a company of our size to do a month? Many safety directors have asked our Safety Experts this question over the years. The answer for most companies, technically, is zero. Toolbox talks, safety meetings,…

Comprehensive Emergency Management

While the functions of emergency management have been performed for decades by government and private organizations (Ben Franklin formed the first fire department more than 200 years ago, for example), it was only recently that the broader ideas about managing…

Accident-Incident Investigation Technique guideline

Thousands of accidents occur throughout the World every day. The failure of people, equipment, supplies, or surroundings to behave or react as expected cause most of the accidents. Accident investigations determine how and why these failures occur. By using the…

Tool Box Talk: Biohazard Safety

Biohazards are materials or human waste that cause infections or diseases. If you work in areas with wastewater, medical waste, or live sewer lines, for example, you should assume that all surfaces are contaminated. Alberto’s Story Alberto was repairing a…

How do cooling towels work?

Q: How do cooling towels work? A: Working in hot environments presents its challenges, one of which heat exhaustion and heat stroke. According to OSHA, heat stroke was the likely cause of 18 workplace fatalities in 2018 and 13 in 2017. For this reason,…

What Are Electrolytes and Why They Matter for On-the-Job Hydration

We’ve all heard nutritionists, coaches, and athletes spread the word that electrolytes are important when working out and replenishing fluids. But they don’t always take the time to go over exactly what they are and why they’re important. Well, we…

How to Choose Your Fall Protection Anchorage

Why is choosing the right anchorage for a personal fall arrest system so important to your safety? Even with the latest in fall protection systems – including those utilizing foot-level tie-off rated energy absorbers – if the anchor fails, that…

How to Develop a Safety Culture?

Culture is complicated and it has a major impact on how we behave. It’s everywhere, and the workplace is no exception. When it comes to safety, that’s a big deal. Healthy workplace culture can motivate safety and help the company…

E-Books: Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls Improving Food Safety in Human Food Manufacturing for Food Businesses

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]The goal of this book is to help demystify the FDA’s Preventive Controls for Human Foods (PCHF) regulations for retail food sales and service business professionals. Hazard analysis and risk-based preventive controls also represent invaluable tools to the retail…

The connection between Near Misses and Incidents

Safety managers worry about incidents that result in an injury to someone in their workplace. It’s only natural to keep your focus on the events that have serious outcomes. But if you’re not looking at some of the less dramatic…

Risks Associated with Inadequate Record-Keeping Practices for Contractor Management

Although most companies would list land, buildings, intellectual property, and access to finances as the most valuable things they hold, information and records are actually one of their most vital assets. Recorded information is a critical component of conducting business…

What’s an efficient way to account for everyone in the event of an on-site emergency?

Q: What’s an efficient way to account for everyone in the event of an on-site emergency? A: The only real answer to this question is the one that exactly fits your company and all your possible emergency situations. No one…

Safety Flash: Alcohol-based hand sanitizer warning

Source: HeliOffshore Infoshare 2020-013 This report is in relation to a Company customer with an employee who used alcohol-based hand gel sanitizer, as per the current recommendations for COVID-19 personal hygiene requirements.After application, but before the liquid sanitizer had fully evaporated…

CDC Addresses Critical Workers’ Potential Virus Exposure

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued revised interim guidance covering how and when asymptomatic critical infrastructure workers may be allowed to continue working onsite despite exposure to the Coronavirus, assuming that employers take certain precautions. CDC…

Who should be responsible for rescuing fallen workers?

Q: Who should be responsible for rescuing fallen workers? A: A quick review of current legislation and best practices will reveal that there is no consensus regarding who should be responsible for rescuing a fallen worker. As with many other…