Guideline for Hazardous Locations
Electrical equipment can cause explosions in certain atmospheres. Equipment used in areas where explosive concentrations of dust or vapors may exist must be equipped with special wiring and other electrical components for safety purposes. Hazardous (classified) locations such as these…
Working Safely with High Temperatures
Hot work is common in a variety of industries and workplaces, but it can also be extremely dangerous. It’s important that workers understand the risks that come with this kind of work – and how to manage them. Understanding Hot Work…
Planning Toolbox Talks 6 Things to Consider
Toolbox talks are a quick and easy way to deliver key safety information to workers and provide brief refresher training. They allow you to make safety a regular habit and keep it at the top of everyone’s mind. But some…
What Is The Difference Between Incidents and Accidents?
How does your company manage its safety and health incident information? Traditional safety methodology involves capturing and analyzing data related to accidents and incidents. This provides important insight into the safety of the workplace, but it is only part of…