Health, Safety, Security and Environment

Fall-limiting devices

What is the difference between fall protection and fall prevention

What is fall protection, and how does it differ from fall prevention? It’s a simple question with a not-so-simple answer. There are many types of fall prevention and fall protection systems, and sometimes, it can be confusing what would fit best based…

Stairways as a fall prevention measure

If you work in a multi-floored building and walk up stairways, you’re using a form of fall prevention. Whether or not you’re working on a construction site, if you have to move between floors, you use stairways. Stairways are considered…

Video: Your Personal Fall Arrest System: Surviving the Fall

You know what they say, “It’s not the fall that gets you, it’s the sudden stop.“  The farther we fall, the more forceful and damaging that sudden stop becomes. In this article and video, viewers will see fall protection equipment…