

Health, Safety, Security and Environment

Templates:Machine Safeguarding Program

3 min read

The purpose of  Machine Safeguarding Program is to ensure the safety of our employees by establishing appropriate machine safeguarding procedures for any machine part, function or process that may cause injury.

This program outlines responsibilities for all employees, routine inspections for all machines and required employee training. All employees are required to follow the minimum procedures outlined in this program. Any deviations from this program must be immediately brought to the attention of the Program Administrator.

Do you need a Machine Safeguarding Program? If your organization uses machinery or equipment of any kind, the answer is likely yes. According to the National Safety Council, 15 percent of all work injuries and 20 percent of disabling work injuries involve machines. Moving machine parts have the potential to cause severe workplace injuries, such as crushed hands or fingers, amputations, burns or blindness. Safeguards are essential for protecting workers from these preventable injuries. OHSA machinery and machine guarding standard 29 CFR 1910 Subpart O identifies the minimum machine safeguarding requirements. The OHSA regulation does not require a written program; however, a written program helps organize and document inspection procedures to ensure proper safeguarding.

The control of hazardous energy (lockout/tagout), standard 29CFR 1910. 147, also applies during servicing and maintenance of machines and equipment when a safeguard is removed or bypassed or an employee is required to put a body part into the point of operation of a machine.

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Management.  is responsible for providing equipment and resources necessary to implement this program, and for ensuring that the provisions in this program are being followed by the Program Administrator.

Program Administrator. The Program Administrator is responsible for the following:

  • Ensuring each department or functional area has a copy of the program
  • Ensuring that all current and new machinery is inspected for proper machine safeguarding
  • Developing procedures for taking improperly guarded machines out of service
  • Ensuring that improperly guarded machines are fixed before being put back into service
  • Maintaining a machine-specific list of safeguarding methods
  • Scheduling employee training and ensuring new hires are trained on the program
  • Providing outside contractors with information on <Company Name’s> machine safeguarding program
  • Reviewing and updating the program and materials as needed
  • Maintaining records pertaining to the program


Supervisors. Supervisors are responsible for:

  • Ensuring assigned machine operators are trained on the Machine Safeguarding Program
  • Stopping and correcting any unsafe work practice or condition immediately
  • Notifying the Program Administrator when changes in processes increase the risk of injury or introduce a new hazard
  • Conducting machine inspections to ensure there are proper safeguards
  • Ensuring that employees with insufficient skills or understanding of machine safeguarding are removed and retrained before returning to machine operations
  • Ensuring employees comply with all safe work practices outlined in this program


Machine Operators. Machine operators are responsible for:

  • Completing all required machine safeguarding training before operating a machine
  • Assisting in inspections
  • Verifying guarding devices are in place and functional before using any machine
  • Reporting missing or worn guards to supervisors before operating any machine

Complying with all procedures and safe work practices outlined in this program

The following template can be used to help your organization develop a written Machine Safeguarding Program. This template cannot be used as is – you must customize the template to meet the needs of your organization. We have made this template easier for you to customize by adding visual prompts that identify some areas where your input is needed. These are identified by yellow highlighted, red text in the template. You may also change any of the text in the template to meet your organization’s needs – for example, department names, job titles, listed responsibilities and audiologist.

Disclaimer. This sample safety program template cannot be used as is. You must customize the template to meet the needs of your organization. HSSE WORLD does not guarantee that this template is or can be relied on for compliance with any law or regulation, assurance against preventable losses, or freedom from legal liability. We make no representations or warranties of any kind whatsoever, either express or implied, in connection with the use of this template. HSSE WORLD will not be liable for your use of the template as customized by you. All safety programs and policies, including this template and the information you supply to complete it, should be reviewed by your legal counsel and/or risk management staff.

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