This dynamic program shows viewers that a commitment to safety procedures following Lockout / Tagout or LOTO, will assure workplace...
Q: Does anyone other than equipment operators need to be trained in lockout/Tagout? A:Absolutely! Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) is an administrative control system that protects workers...
With 85 forklift fatalities and 34,900 serious injuries each year, there’s no question that forklifts are a workplace hazard that...
When handled improperly, electrical hazards can cause serious injuries or even fatalities. And yet, many workers are unaware of the...
Lockout tagout is a critical component of employee safety and workplace productivity. We know that regulatory requirements dictate that you...
When is it appropriate to use the alternative protection measures outlined in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.147 in place of standard...
Canton, Ohio automotive steel manufacturer Republic Steel is cited for repeated and serious violations after failing to guard machines, lack...