

Health, Safety, Security and Environment

Alternative Energy Industry Hazards:Training Materials

3 min read

The grantee conducted a training course concerning process safety in the biofuels industry. The training course included an introduction to key process safety (PS) concepts in the biofuels sector, how to perform a hazard evaluation analysis, and how to write safe operating procedures. Training materials include PowerPoint presentations and handouts in English

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Grantee Name:
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Grant Number:
Grant Year:
The grantee conducted a training course concerning process safety in the biofuels industry. The training course included an introduction to key process safety (PS) concepts in the biofuels sector, how to perform a hazard evaluation analysis, and how to write safe operating procedures. Training materials include PowerPoint presentations and handouts in English.

Alternative Energy Industry Hazards

TitleLengthFormatFile Size
Process Safety Management for the Biofuels Industry
01 Overview of Process Safety: Biodiesel14 slidesPPT*798 KB
01 Overview of Process Safety: Bioethanol13 slidesPPT*813 KB
02 Compliance with Standards: Biodiesel21 slidesPPT*1.03 MB
02 Compliance with Standards: Bioethanol25 slidesPPT*2.79 MB
03 Biodiesel Hazards12 slidesPPT*432 KB
03 Bioethanol Hazards8 slidesPPT*511 KB
03A Biofuels: Process Hazard Analysis25 slidesPPT*1.09 MB
04 Biofuels: Standard Operating Procedures24 slidesPPT*1.03 MB
05 Biofuels: Safe Work Practices30 slidesPPT*2.13 MB
06 Biofuels: Mechanical Integrity26 slidesPPT*2.14 MB
07 Biofuels: Management of Change57 slidesPPTX*4.57 MB
08 Biofuels: Auditing Process Safety Systems39 slidesPPTX*2.07 MB
09 Biofuels: Emergency Response Procedures45 slidesPPT*2.46 MB
04 Hypothetical Biomass Operating Procedures1 pagePDF*180 KB
05 Hot Work Permit Form2 pagesPDF*221 KB
06 Maintenance Training Guide7 pagesPDF*550 KB
07 Management of Change System Guidelines1 pagePDF*71 KB
07 Management of Change Form2 pagesPDF*191 KB
07 Management of Change System Design List1 pagePDF*171 KB
07 Request for Change Form1 pagePDF*182 KB
08 Process Safety Management Auditing Checklist18 pagesPDF*236 KB

DISCLAIMER: This material was produced under grant number SH-19479-09 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U. S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U. S. Government. The U.S. Government does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed.

COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: This material is the copyrighted property of American Institute of Chemical Engineers. By federal regulation, OSHA reserves a license to use and disseminate such material for the purpose of promoting safety and health in the workplace. The American Institute of Chemical Engineers hereby authorizes employers and workplace safety and health professionals to use this material, distributed by or through OSHA, in their workplaces or practices in accordance with the guidance contained in the material.

To this end, permission is granted to use such copyrighted material solely for non-commercial, instructional, personal, or scholarly purposes. The material may be used and incorporated into other workplace safety and health programs on the condition that no fee may be charged for the subsequent use of the material. Use of the material for any other purpose, particularly commercial use, without the prior, express written permission of the copyright owner/s is prohibited. Furthermore, any modification to the material is prohibited without the prior, express written permission of the copyright owners.

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