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Suffering From Allergies? Acupuncture Can Help You Heal

3 min read

You may suffer from seasonal allergies, an immune system response to certain elements such as pollen and dust. Your body starts to make antibodies to fight against these allergens, and histamine is created. Due to the reactions, you can find swelling or itching on your face, nose, throat, lungs, and eyes. Often, allergies are seen to react all over your body. So, if you want a natural cure, then acupuncture is a safe method that can provide excellent solutions without you having to rely on any medication for allergy treatment. So, let’s get to know how acupuncture works, 

Acupuncture for Allergy

What causes allergies?

Some people, when exposed to elements like pollen or dust, can develop allergies that can either be seasonal or last throughout the year. The common causes are pollen in the air, dust mites from mattresses and furniture, pet fur, mold spores in damp areas, and chemical sprays at home or work, such as perfume, paints, deodorants, bleach, and more.


What are the common symptoms of allergy?

The common symptoms are watery, irritated, and red eyes, nasal discharge, greenish discharge that builds up in the throat, inflamed breathing passage, sneezing to clear out mucus from the nose, and signs of heaviness on the chest at night. 

How is acupuncture going to help to treat allergies?

According to the WHO, acupuncture is a well-prescribed process for treating allergies. There are several ways it works, such as: 

  1. To remove the toxins from your body or histamine that trigger symptoms.
  2. It helps calm the nervous system and stimulates the body to decrease symptoms. 
  3. Individuals would feel more relaxed as the stressed factors are removed, triggering the allergies.
  4. No more histamines would be released, and you would feel comfortable.
  5. Needles are inserted in various parts of the body, which are called acupuncture points, and these stimulate the release of endorphin, which is a natural painkiller of the body. It reduces the discomfort and pain caused due to allergies.

Allergies can lead to sleepless nights, which affect your overall health and energy level. However, with Portland acupuncture and other natural treatments, you can get a peaceful and quality sleep that revives the lost energy flow energy. 

If you suffer from seasonal allergies, acupuncture can reduce your symptoms by 50%. However, allergy treatment usually depends on the individual’s needs. While some seasonal allergies can be cured with two to three treatments, others might require more sessions. 

What is the primary treatment plan for allergy through acupuncture?

You will get effective results from acupuncture if you go through at least four treatment sessions within ten days. You must also improve your lifestyle and avoid smoking, drinking, or intake of any other kind of drug. During your acupuncture session plan, you are advised to avoid activities affecting your immune system and trigger the release of histamine. You also have to take extra precautions to avoid contact with the allergens and wear a mask. 

Summing it up

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine that works by improving the immune system and releasing endorphins. It does not depend on over-the-counter medicines, and following a few sessions can yield a long-term result.

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